The stick pins with a pin cushion
The book
I knew almost right away what the basis of my idea would be. I wanted to cut out the cover and put the plastic inside to create a window. I had planned for fairies inside as well with other things. Reality strikes as you create though, and plans must change. I created the fairy and discovered there wasn't much room left for the wings, so I went searching for the name of a fairy without wings and found the Disney book. I used artistic interpretation for my piece. Everything except the dragonfly is hand sculpted and hand painted. The dragonfly comes from my collection of pieces that I use for jewelry creation. I am probably the most "tickled" at the pages in the book, they look real! This is the Fairy Book I created. Where the story resides inside ready to come to life when you open the cover.
I purchased a copy of the Disney book to send to my partner as she has a young daughter. This way they both have the story and can share the reading together.